Fall Sunday School Overview

This ends our summer Sunday School curriculum
The Christian Education committee has decided that we will continue with the
Seasons of the Spirit curriculum for the 2018-2019 school year.
September 2: Earth
As we focus on aspects of God’s nurturing presence, we acknowledge Earth as our teacher, our source, and our guide.
Genesis 1:1–25
September 9: Humanity
Made in the image of God, we take our place within Creation, rather than over and above it.
Genesis 1:26–28
September 16: Sky
An image of a world in which we are alone, where beauty is destroyed, and God’s good Creation undone, startles us from complacency, and calls us to take seriously the reality and danger of climate change.
Jeremiah 4:23–28 Psalm 19:1–6
September 23: Mountain
The Season of Creation comes to a close with a vision of God’s holy mountain; a vision that offers us a path of hope for the future, and a more convincing invitation to live with respect in creation.
Isaiah 65:17–25
September 30: Getting Out of the Way
When the disciples are concerned about who is doing ministry, Jesus challenges exclusionary attitudes and encourages us to see the way God is at work in the community.
Mark 9:38–50